Earlier this month, I attended the Women in Publishing Summit, which got me thinking about online conferences and content in general. Online content has been invaluable for someone like me who lives in a rural area and doesn't always have access to similar in-person events. It's also helpful for someone with a full and busy schedule who doesn't always have time to travel to far-away gatherings.
Online experiences have led to growth in my career and opportunities with other professionals I wouldn't have otherwise had if the events had not been remote. It also made me less afraid of reaching out and asking people further along their career paths than me if they wouldn't mind chatting over a zoom call or answering my questions about how they did what they did through email. (NOTE: I have carefully evaluated these online events and professionals before approaching, as the internet can still be a Wild West if you head in the wrong direction).
I learned about the Women in Publishing Summit from the lovely Kirsten Oliphant. I started listening to her writing podcast a few years ago and picked up a ton of helpful information. She was one of the speakers at this conference, and although I'm familiar with her work, I was still able to pick up useful tips & tricks about Indie publishing from her. The conference content was also pretty helpful and has given me a lot of ideas that I plan on implementing in the future.
Establishing and growing professional and personal friendships online was not something I knew how to do well at first, and I'm still learning how to be better at this. I've found that using video chats has speeded up interpersonal rapport compared to simply emailing or typing in a chat back and forth. Having a screen between yourself and another person you're trying to build a connection with is also something to adapt to and overcome. Still, I've come a long way in learning how to network remotely since I started, and I've appreciated every online connection I've "never met", haha!
I particularly love the workshops I've found online, many of which teach practical, effective skills you can learn from home. Some of my favorites recently have been on how to paint Terry Runyan's delightful watercolor cats, which you should check out here if you love whimsical, upbeat things that make you smile.
Let's see, writing updates for me this week include the long cycle of edits/rewrites. Next week, my novelette/short story The Woman in Brown is heading to the proofreader. Yay! I haven't written any new material lately as I've been juggling rewrites, absorbing critique group/beta reader feedback, a tsunami of art projects, medical writing/editing, and goat wrangling. (Yes, I've got goats).
Making progress, though, making progress!
I hope everyone has been having a great week, and thanks for reading.
A few recently finished pieces:
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