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Writer's pictureMarisa Fife

Looking Back and Moving Forward

Holy cannolis, where did 2022 go? For part of the year, I had some health setbacks again which delayed many things again, alas. We're keeping at it though, and slowly moving forward. And at this point, I'll take any progress I can get.

So where have we ended up?

Book updates:

Will and the Clan of Shadows

After a long and rocky road, this middle-grade fantasy adventure novel for kids starring anthropomorphic animals (the first in the Ninja Squirrel series) will finally be published in 2023, yay! It's evolved a lot but I'm happy with how it has turned out. Phew, thank you for your patience with this one, it had a lot of growing pains. All who signed up for the giveaway will receive a free e-book copy as soon as it's ready. Stay tuned!

The Case of the Devil's Purse Inn

This middle-grade paranormal mystery for kids (the first in a series) is out for query, meaning I've contacted a few literary agents and book presses to see if it can get published. This was the novel I wrote in 2021 for #NaNoWriMo. I worked on it throughout 2022 with a fabulous editor, and I'm pumped to finally get this manuscript out into the world. So exciting! We'll see what happens. Cross your fingers for me!

A Talent for Murder Mystery Series

Coming in 2023, these are short stories or novella-length historical mysteries for adults I've been working on for the past few years. I'm planning on releasing the first four as e-books in sequence every few months next year. I loved working on this project (I adore historical mysteries) and these fun, action-packed stories remind me of Sherlock Holmes mysteries or Dashiell Hammett's The Thin Man. The official release date for the first story is to be announced in the next few months.

Manuscripts I'm working on in 2023/2024:

A Monstrous Crime

This humorous fantasy/mystery novel (the first in a series) is a project I'm really excited about. This has come back with outstanding feedback from beta readers in the earlier drafts and will be going through revisions in 2023 and then off to the editor. Possible publication in 2024 or 2025? We shall see!

Pieces of Me: A Zombie Apocalypse Love Story

I love dark humor, ridiculous end-of-the-world tales, everyday household items used as weapons, giant robots, and monsters. This is my homage to every cheesily hilarious and scary horror film or book I've ever enjoyed. Think Pride and Prejudice and Zombies meets Young Frankenstein meets Neon Genesis Evangelion. No, I don't know how my head works but yes that combination made sense to me, grin. I completed this manuscript a few years ago and will be revising it in 2023 in hopes of publishing it in 2024 or 2025.

A Grave Affair

Writing this now for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) 2022. Revisions anticipated in 2023. Paranormal mystery.

The yet-to-be-named sequel to A Monstrous Crime. I can't wait to finish writing this one! Revisions are anticipated over 2024 once this manuscript is complete.

The yet-to-be-named sequel to Will and the Clan of Shadows (part of the Ninja Squirrel series). This might be slated as my 2023 NaNoWriMo project. We'll see.

The yet-to-be-named sequel to The Case of the Devil's Purse Inn.

The yet-to-be-named novella finale of A Talent for Murder Mystery Series.

A top-secret project (for now) I'm doing with a co-writer.

*taps chin* I think that's all for now. We'll see what 2023 brings!

And once more, a huge thank you to everyone who made my first publication, The Woman in Brown, such a success. I am still touched, humbled, and very appreciative of the outpouring of support I received for this project. Thank you!


- Marisa

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