marisa fife
Frequently Asked Writing Questions
Is there a potion I can drink to become a better writer?
Yes. It is called "coffee" (or "tea," but only if caffeinated). Joking! There is no potion that I know of. Writing is a craft. It is a set of skills to learn. Many excellent writers say that learning the craft of writing is a lifelong process.
If you're interested in becoming a writer or a better writer, there are a few concrete things you can do:
> Take classes
> Read books on writing
> Figure out why you want to write
> Figure out what you want to write
> Define your writing goals
> Study other writers
> Join a professional writing organization (or three)
> Network with other writers
> Have objective, knowledgeable, and helpful people read and give feedback on your writing
> When you're tired, take a break
> When you're frustrated, take a break
> Feed & exercise your body
> Get adequate sleep
> Practice good self-care in general
> Keep it in perspective
Where can I find a Beta Reader or Critique Partner?
I've had luck in the following places:
> Through a professional writing organization
> On social media (Twitter by sheer luck, Facebook via Groups, Reddit by asking)
> Through writer friends I've met
> Family, friends, and other people I begged (love you guys! *cheeky grin*)
What is a Beta Reader or Critique Partner?
People who read and try to improve your stories before publication.
Do you have any books you recommend to help my writing?
I have oodles of writing books I've found helpful.
Here are a few, in no particular order:
On Writing by Stephen King
The Elements of Style by William Strunk
Writing Science in Plain English by Anne Green
Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell
On Writing Well by William Zinsser